Literary Romance


Quest: Victory, Identity
Exotic Setting
Good v. Evil
Supernatural Forces
Rural V. Urban

Quest: Long-lost Family, Identity
Long Ago and Far Away
Fate, Chance
Mysterious Signs
Nature v. Civilization

Quest: Salvation, Identity
Allegorical Landscape
Go(o)d v. (D)evil
Miracles, Grace
Sacred v. Worldly

Arthurian Legends
Faerie Queene, Book V
The Mists of Avalon
The Once and Future King
The Lord of the Rings
Classic Westerns
Adventure (Indiana Jones)
Science Fiction/Fantasy

Fairy/Folk Tales
Faerie Queene, Books III, IV

The Comedy of Errors
Twelfth Night
The Winter's Tale
The Tempest

Huckleberry Finn

The Princess Bride

The Divine Comedy
Faerie Queene,
Book I
Pilgrim's Progress
Paradise Lost
Paradise Regained

The Chronicles of Narnia

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Homer's Odyssey
Star Wars
Harry Potter books


© 2003 by Richard Regan

Some forms of Romance

"Back to the Future: The nostalgic yet progressive appeal of wizards, hobbits, and Jedi knights"
Michael Valdez Moses