University Council meeting

Minutes from 22 March 2005


Members present:

Administration JCanepa, JDobai, JFitzpatrick chair,

Faculty: PCaster, SHarding, JKlug, NLopez

Students: GCook' 05, KChomick' 06


Guest: Jeanne DiMuzio


Agenda: 1) update on alcohol initiatives for upper-class students 2) update on communication with AVP Grossman 3) Senate survey


1st Agenda Item...

presentation by Jeanne DiMuzio  

current efforts to address alcohol usage by upper-class students


Jeanne DiMuzio was invited to update the council on efforts to address alcohol usage by upper-class students. Jeanne passed out numerous advertising pieces as well as a detailed listing of programs offered to the different living communities available to undergraduates. Of particular interest was an interactive program that would be presented to all students beginning with June orientation 2005 that records a student's alcohol use on campus via a computer program. This piece of software costs about $6,000 and has been requested for the FY2006. After a 30 minute presentation, members of the council questioned Jeanne about the following:


After 35 minutes of discussion, Jeanne was thanked for an excellent presentation. It was felt that a program listing will be sent to all faculty. The faculty sector will review that possibility. It was also felt that any new initiatives should include components for drugs, both illegal and prescribed.


2nd Agenda Item...Student Senate survey on student life.

partial survey was passed out to council members with final completed version expected in a few weeks.








University Council minutes 15 February 2005

Page two.


3rd Agenda Item...update on action on University Council recommendations to AVP Grossman


Jim Fitzpatrick updated the council on AVP Grossman's reaction to council recommendations on mandating an honor code pledge each semester ( AVP Grossman felt one time was enough but was willing to bring before Academic Council), mandating that students sign all exam materials verifying they are providing their own work (AVP Grossman is for requesting but not mandating signing). Correspondence with Irene Mulvey and the Academic Council is continuing and AVP Grossman promised to keep the council updated Academic Council's status on these issues.


Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved 7-0-0 at 10:05 am.



Next meeting was set for Tuesday 26 April 2005 at 830am in Barone Campus Center Jost Room 206. Faculty chair for this meeting





                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    James D. Fitzpatrick

                                                                                    Recording Secretary

                                                                                    University Council