Introduction to Anthropology -- Fall 2003
Potential Final Exam Questions

1. Describe the difference between sex and gender, according to our class discussions.  Also describe how sexual preference plays a role in sex and gender.
2. How did Lila Abu-Lughod’s gender affect the way that she studied the Bedouins?  Specifically, how did her femaleness make her participant observation difference from her male predecessors?
3. What role does poetry play in the lives of the Bedouins, according to Abu-Lughod?
4. What is the fundamental problem Eric Wolf sees with describing the Kung as “history-less” and static?
5. As Americans we see our society as complex whereas we tend to think that other cultures are simple.  Describe the arguments for simple vs. complex.
What is your definition of a complex society and how are some of the seemingly simple groups we learned about complex?
6. Using examples from the class, explain the shortcomings of describing societies as simple or complex.
7. In the article concerning Mexican domestics, how does the author describe the notion of emotional labor?
8. What are functionalism, structuralism, and structural functionalism? How do they differ? Who are the proponents of each?
9. What is inequality?  Explain the feelings of inequality towards women in the passages we read.
10. How does modernization help or hinder the groups we have studied?
11. What role does spirituality / religion play in the passages by Limbert, Lansing, and Herdt?
12. List the four subfields of anthropology and what they study.
13. What are the similarities and differences between bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states?
14. What methods did Malinowski use to obtain his research and how did they affect anthropology as a science?
15. What are Dr. Crawford's three main stated goals for this class?
16. Explain Sambian nose-bleeding rituals from a fuctionalist perspective.
17. Compare and contrast the work of Lee and Gordon.  How might Wolf explain these differences?
18. How might Roseberry critique Abu-Lughod's ethnography?
19. Explain the “emotional labor” described by Ibarra?  How is this different from other types of labor?
20. Drawing from Maria Ibarra’s article on domestic workers, contrast “prototypical emotional labor” with the emotional labor discussed by Ibarra.
21. In many cultures there are rituals which seem abnormal.  Choose two rituals that seem odd and explain how they make sense from a different cultural perspective.
22. Many anthropologists forget to include history into their ethnography.  Why is this problem?
23. Discuss the relationship between history and culture.
24. In Crawford’s article about modernity, discuss the Berbers with respect to modernity.  In what ways are they modern?
25. Choose either of the two ethnographies we have read and explain how a Marxian would critique them.
26. Discuss the methodologies used in “Veiled Sentiments” and “Life and Death on Mt. Everest.”
27. Compare ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and moral relativism.
28. What is ethnocentrism and how can it be evil?
29. What is cultural relativism and how can it be evil?
30. Explain the differences between gender, sex, and sexual preference.
31. Use Nanda's article “Neither Man nor Woman” to explain the difference between sex, gender and sexual preference.
32. Discuss the general process of nosebleeding in Sambia society and explain the purpose of this ritual.
33. Explain the difference between structuralism, structural functionalism, and functionalism, and name one anthropologist who fits the criteria for each.
34. Distinguish between structural functionalism and functionalism.  Provide two examples from the ethnographies that we have read.
35. What distinguishes a band from a tribe, a tribe from a chiefdom, and a chiefdom from a state?
36. Explain the concept of emotional labor and give an example from the reading.
37. Explain the meaning of the term "Green Revolution".
38. Explain how Maria Ibarra can be said to have been influenced by both Marx and Geertz?
39. What is a hijra?
40. What role do hijras play in Indian society?
41. According to Levine, how does polyandry fit with the economy of the Nyinba.
42. Compare the Nyinba to Sherpas in terms of ethnicity, social organization, and economics.
43. Compare Shostak, Lee and Gordon & Sholto in terms of how they see the !Kung / Bushman society.
44. According to Shostak, what sorts of games to !Kung children play?
45. What does Wolf mean by “people without history?”
46. What is Wolf’s critique of Geertz?
47. What does Wolf mean by the “world economy?”
48. Why are Frank and Wallerstein important to Wolf’s argument?
49. What are the different meanings of water discussed by Limbert?
50. Where did Limbert work?
51. What did Lansing set out to demonstrate?
52. Discuss Crawford’s argument about the relationship between inequality and time.
53. According to Crawford, why to the “bones” need to be arranged?
54. What are the main differences between 19th and 20th century anthropology?
55. If you were at a party and someone had never heard of anthropology, how would you explain it to them?
56. In Life and Death on Mt. Everest, Ortner states that most climbers are from the lower social class, and that expeditions to Everest are relatively cheap. True or False?
57. In Life and Death on Mt. Everest, a 'coolie' is defined as a porter. True or False?
58. In the article written by Ibarra, is emotional labor something that is faked, truly felt, or both of the above by the Mexican women?
59. Define epistemology.
60. In Veiled Sentiments, Abu-Lughod gives numerous examples of how poetry is used to convey messages.  Are these poems used primarily as shopping lists, reminders, or do they convey what emotions the speaker is going through at the specific time when they are reciting it?
61. Give a brief description of the main points of two kinds of "functionalism."
62. How does Geertz suggest that one get at the "meaning" behind a culture or particular ritual?
63. According to Marx, how is labor a key element of human nature?
64. How does poetry allow Bedouin to express sentiments that are otherwise forbidden in their culture?
65. How does the "segmentary organization" of the khams work groups make use of both equality and inequality in Berber culture?
66. Explain why Geertz emphasizes the importance of meaning.
67. What major changes occurred in the discipline of anthropology as exhibited by Tylor and Boas?
68. Explain the structural functionalist view if society as an organism, and critique this view.
69. What are the benefits and problems of using first person narratives like Nisa's?
70. What role does poetry play in the Bedouin honor code?
71. Give one or more examples of how Malinowski revolutionized cultural anthropology.
72. Discuss and differentiate between structuralism, structural functionalism, and functionalism.  Give an example of each from a text we've read.
73. Explain Geertz's idea of culture through terms such as "thick description" and "interpretivism."
74. Discuss Roseberry's critique of Geertz.
75. Give three examples of instances in texts we've read where Marxian arguments have been made.  Explain the author's point in using Marxian ideas for his/her argument.
76. Discuss the egalitarian and inegalitarian aspects of the khams in Berber society as well as their role in helping Berber society to become modernized.
77. Give three examples from the texts we've read of how kinship relations play an important role society.
78. How does Spencer describe society as an organism?  How would other authors disagree with this argument?
79. Compare and contrast social hierarchy in Roberts, Chagnon, Lee and Marx.